paula derrow
a way with words

what I do
Some people call me the writer-whisperer. I love that, though I usually think of myself as more of a writer’s editor, meaning that whoever you are, I will invisibly coax you to get to the heart of what you are trying to say in the truest possible way.
Whether you’re a writer with a book proposal you hope to sell or an essay you’re yearning to publish; a nonprofit or brand; executive or company in need of polished, professional wordsmithing; or an academic institution, I can help you deliver smart, sparkling, succinct content for digital and print.
Let me polish your prose, refine your message, and nudge you to find your voice.

my experience
Before starting my own writing and editing business in 2012, I had a 30-plus-year career in national print magazines, including 11 years as articles director of Self.
I write personal essays, profiles, and pieces on health and wellness; work and money; psychology; and sex and relationships. My writing has been featured in The New York Times Ties column, its Modern Love column (twice!) as well as in Refinery29, Real Simple, Tablet, Cosmo, Good Housekeeping, Woman’s Day, and many more.
I also edited the Publishers Weekly—starred anthology, Behind the Bedroom Door: Getting It, Giving It, Loving It, Missing It (Delacorte, 2009), featuring best-selling writers Cheryl Strayed and Lori Gottlieb, among others.

what my clients are saying
"Paula is, hands down, the best editor I've ever worked with: smart, intuitive, collaborative, hands on—and off—when appropriate. She is the standard by which I judge other editors, and not many reach the bar she's set."
—Elizabeth DeVita-Raeburn
senior editor, Everyday Health
"Brilliant, incisive, creative, curious, talented, and thoughtful – just a few of the words that come to mind about Paula."
—Licia Hurst
Archival Consultant
Santa Monica History Museum
Paula is an absolute miracle worker. When we needed a leader to take our Fordham Lawyer magazine and run with it, Paula brought incredible writers to the table and helped fulfill the vision of a redesigned publication. She came in on time and on budget, part of the miraculous-ness, since we were tight on both! Paula is also a pleasure to be around—even when racing to meet a deadline and sweating the details. I loved working with Paula and welcome the opportunity to do it again.
—Victoria Grantham, senior director, marketing & communications
Fordham Law School
get in touch

represented by Alexis Hurley at Inkwell Management